Council                                                                   Agenda Item 13(b)


Date of meeting:     21 July 2022





4.30pm26 May 2022


Council Chamber - BTH





Present:   Councillors Robins (Chair), Allcock, Appich, Atkinson, Brennan, Clare, Davis, Deane, Druitt, Ebel, Evans, Fishleigh, Fowler, Gibson, Grimshaw, Hamilton, Heley, Henry, Hills, Hugh-Jones, John, Littman, Lloyd, Mac Cafferty, Mcintosh, Moonan, Nield, O'Quinn, Osborne, Phillips, Pissaridou, Powell, Rainey, Shanks, West, Wilkinson and Yates







1                Council Business - Newly Elected Councillor


1.1         The Mayor said I note that there was a by-election in Rottingdean Coastal Ward on 5th May, and I would like to thank the Electoral Services Team for running a smooth election and all those that supported the process. I would now like to ask Councillor Appich as the Leader for the Labour Group to introduce the new Member to the Council.


1.2         Councillor Appich said it was her pleasure to introduce Councillor Robert McIntosh a new councillor for Rottingdean Coastal Ward to the Council.


1.3         The Mayor welcomed Councillor McIntosh and said I hope that you will find your term of office to be interesting and fulfilling and wish you luck in your new role.




2                Declarations of Interest


2.1       There were no declarations of interest.




3                Mayoral Report 2021/22


3.1       The Mayor said he was pleased to introduce the report which gave a flavour of what had been another different year. He noted that the report referred to the year 2022/2023 but should read 2021/2022. He moved that the report as detailed in Item 3 on the agenda be received and noted.


3.2       RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




4                Mayor's Thanks and Presentations


4.1      The Mayor stated:


Before I move to the formal process for appointing the new Mayor, I would like to say a few words about my year in office and to acknowledge the support I have received as Mayor.

Just over two years ago, at the back end of February, early March 2020, Minna, Elaine and myself were busy making plans for my mayor making and reception, checking the civic list to see who was no longer with us and making a note of family and friends to invite. Val’s brother who lives in Cambridge and has a way with words sent us a message which said, “I hear you got that snake flu down your way” and Councillor Atkinson who was on holiday in Spain at the time said that he and his wife had left their hotel but had been sent back by police and told not to come out again, just early signs of what was to come.


Then on the 23rd March 2020, as John Lennon once said “cor the blimees” I was chair of the TECC committee and remember the shock as the pubs, clubs and non-essential shops all closed, the swimming pools, the gyms, the theatres, the music venues, the cinemas, the museums and even the Royal Pavilion and the football ground, all shut to the public.


We had our first experience of zoom or teams or whatever it was to discuss CPP2, which I believe Alex chaired, then on the 14th May 2020, I became Mayor, in an empty room with just Geoff Raw and Councillor Mears for company.


After that we had to learn a whole new way of doing things, the zoom way, not all bad. Of all the names on these walls I bet I am the only one to have chaired a council meeting in his pyjama bottoms and slippers, but the endless repeating of Councillor McCafferty, can you confirm the Green group wish to vote for or against, Cllr Platts, can you confirm the Labour group wish to vote for or against, Cllr Bell, can you confirm the  Conservative group, wish to vote for or against and then all the Independents was tiresome to say the least, but we made the very best of it. I have chaired seventeen full council meetings in the last two years, probably a record for recent times, not one with a full house in person.


It’s been an odd couple of years and I thank you all for allowing me a second year and for the kindness and goodwill you have all shown me over that time. The last thing I want is for my entire mayoralty to be dominated and defined by covid and covid restrictions. Over the course of two years we have found ample time to enjoy the role of Mayor and at times being able to meet online has meant we have met more groups and individuals than we could have done in person. I had the great good fortune to appoint the Interfaith Contact Group as my chaplain for the two years and I thank Anthea and Martin for their friendship, good humour and support throughout the time, it meant I met many of the Interfaith Group and attended their online meetings, The Ba’has and the Buddhist, the Pagans and the Quakers and many more, all gave me an insight into their faiths and I hope we as a council can find a way to continue this and build up a greater understanding of how our community and its different and diverse groups live and work together.


I was also able to join many council team meetings and thank them all for their continued efforts and let them know that we as councillors appreciated them.


I would like to thank my consort Val Cawley, who was extremely nervous at first at taking on the role but has grown into it with the intelligence and charm she has always possessed, we also got married during this time after a mere 37 years of living together.


Robbie Robertson, the Mayor’s chauffeur, although due to a hand operation there was a time when I was the chauffeurs’ chauffeur, Robbie also acts as tour guide, Mayor’s photographer, dresser and timekeeper, so don’t ever think of getting rid of him, and Mikolaj our relief chauffeur for all his support when called upon.


I must thank Minna and Elaine for their help in keeping me in line and again for their kindness and good humour throughout everything.


The retired and new Lord Lieutenant, Peter Field and Andrew Blackman as well as vice Lord Lieutenant Sara Stonor and the many deputy Lieutenants I met for their support and kind words.


I would like to thank my five charities, The Fringe, Leo house at home, The Sussex heart charity, Off the fence and Together Co. for sticking with me, my only regret is we haven’t been able to hold as many events as we had hoped.


One of the great joys, privilege and honours of being Mayor is the wonderful people you meet, everywhere you go there are people happy to see you, all who give their time so freely, most of the time with very little recognition, volunteers who in some cases have worked with their groups for more than 50 years and without whose help the city could not carry on.


I have also met some whose names you will know, Peter James was an absolute delight and answered questions and signed books for guests for more than an hour, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who spoke and answered questions at St Peters church, Nicky Weller, Paul’s sister was so warm and welcoming and Mohamadou Ould Slahi, who was held in Guantanamo Bay for 14 years without trial and without knowing what he was accused of, he was tortured and beaten and although his release was ordered in 2010, he was held for a further six years and yet he was the most dignified, mild mannered and forgiving man I have ever met.


I have so, so enjoyed my time as Mayor but finally must say a few words about Cllr Mary Mears, who as you all know should have become Mayor today but is too ill to take up the appointment, I have a natural affinity with anyone called Mary, I had an aunty Mary, my dear sister Mary, who died of covid last year, a niece Rachel Mary and a great niece Mary, all strong, independent uncompromising women, all with hearts of gold, who would give you their last halfpenny if they thought you needed it and I think Mary Mears falls into the same category. I know how much Mary was looking forward to becoming Mayor and it would have been a great swansong for someone who has given so much to the civic life of the city, I ask you all to think of her and wish her a speedy and full recovery.


The office of Mayor is a truly worthwhile and fulfilling office, it represents all that is good about the city, it presents to the people the very best of the council, I have nothing but admiration and praise for those who have been Mayors in the past and wish all the very best to all who take on the role in the future. To any of you who doubt this, I say, take the time to go to an event where the Mayor is present and see how well people react to them, it is a great honour and privilege to feel that welcome and warmth and I thank you all again for giving me the opportunity.


I am really sorry that not all the past Mayors and other Guests were able to attend in person this year due to our restricted numbers because of Covid. I do look forward to the tradition of past Mayors and Aldermen and women and other distinguished guests attending in person again next year when I hope we no longer have Covid restrictions in place.


I would now like to ask Val to come forward to be presented with her commemorative badge and flowers.


I would like to invite Anthea Ballam to come forward on behalf of the Inter-Faith Group to receive their flowers. Thank you.




5                Election of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2022/23


5.1       The Mayor called on Councillor Mac Cafferty to nominate the Mayor for 2022/23.


5.2       Councillor Mac Cafferty said he had the great honour to propose my colleague and friend Councillor Lizzie Deane for Mayor of Brighton and Hove 2022/23. Councillor Deane has been a councillor since 2010 when she was able to take the seat when our good friend Keith Taylor became an MEP causing a by-election. She has become a terrific champion for her Ward and a fantastic councillor. She started as she meant to go on after winning her seat with her maiden speech campaigning to save the Bright Start Nursery in her ward, which Lizzie and the campaigners saved against the proposed cuts. In the first Green administration in 2011 myself and Lizzie Chaired the two principal quasi-judicial committees, Licensing and Planning and we later went on to become the two deputy leaders. It was a frenetic time with an inordinate amount of rushing between King’s House and Hove Town Hall. It was during one of these commutes that myself and Lizzie were to discover with her characteristic laugh that for every one of my steps she had to take six. Please don’t mistake physical size for stature in the City or the esteem for which she is held across the Council. Lizzie consistently topped the poll city wide in every election and currently holds the record number of votes with over 5000 in 2015. Most of us would readily associate Lizzie with her sterling work on Licensing Committee and countless Licensing Panels. I know she is always thoughtful and conscientious listening to all the evidence and putting the city and residents first, and as such I know she will use those skills to great flair meeting the City’s many diverse and wonderful communities over the next twelve months. Lizzie has remained on the Licensing Committee and an endless supply of panels for the entire twelve years she has been a Councillor, and quite honestly some people get less time for murder. Lizzie has a strong record of helping residents in her city centre ward which is often fraught with difficulty, and a strong advocate for independent traders of our beautiful city. Her fixation on her work in the Ward and on one street in particular, and one set of Council minutes in 2017 referred to her as ‘Councillor Surrey Street’. Councillor Deane’s chosen charities speak of her broad interests outside of the Council Chamber with the fate of people and planet in her heart. Councillor Deane has as her consort Henry Bruce who has been her partner for the last 30 years. Henry please be assured that among the Green Group of Councillors we are proud of your partner our councillor colleague and her success in getting here. Appropriately Lizzie has chosen Fr. Dominic Keech of St Nicholas Church as the Mayor’s Chaplain. St Nicholas is the oldest place of worship in the City having featured in the Doomsday Book as well as being one of the most beautiful buildings and the treasure trove of Brighton’s history. In the past decade I have been all over the country with Lizzie and in that time I have got to know her as hard working and she’ll be a firm but fair Mayor. She’s pretty fearless but also a great laugh as well. Lizzie will be a brilliant advocate, bringing her many attributes for the good of the city and she will undertake the civic functions of the City’s First Citizen with both the seriousness and the dedication they deserve. With the very best of luck Lizzie in all your endeavours as Mayor. Congratulations.


5.3       The Mayor called on Councillor Shanks to formally second.


5.4       Councillor Shanks said that yesterday there was a new Mayor in Bristol and they had chastised the Council for not debating things properly, and I’m sure that Lizzie will keep us all in order to do what we are supposed to do. I first met Lizzie when I helped campaign for her in her by-election, and it is great to see her being Mayor and whilst it will mean a lot of extra work in the ward as she does a lot of work and goes to many community meetings and to improve things for the city. Well done Lizzie and I look forward to being here when you’re Chairing the Council meetings.


5.5       Cllr Atkinson noted that he wished it recorded that he would abstain on the mayoral vote.


5.6       Resolved – that Cllr Lizzie Deane be appointed Mayor of Brighton & Hove for the forthcoming municipal year.


5.7       The Chair stated: I hereby declare that Cllr Lizzie Deane is duly elected as Mayor of Brighton & Hove for the forthcoming municipal year 2022-23. May I offer her my congratulations. We shall now adjourn the meeting for a short period of time in order for the new Mayor to be robed and to return to the Chamber. We will then reconvene the meeting.




6                Declaration of Office, Acceptance Speech and Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Mayor


6.1       Cllr Deane stated: “I Cllr Lizzie Deane, having been elected to the office of Mayor of Brighton & Hove, declare that I take that office upon myself and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of it according to the best of my judgement and ability. Thank you all very much. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, Councillors, distinguished guests, family and friends, I would like to say thank you to all for coming here today to see me inaugurated as Mayor. I’d like to thank Cllrs Phelim Mac Cafferty and Sue Shanks for nominating me and supporting me, and for their kind words. I’d also like to thank officers for all their work in supporting getting me here today; and my friends and colleagues in the Green Group for placing their trust in me to become Mayor of Brighton & Hove. Annual Council and Mayor-making is traditionally a time of celebration and rejoicing, but there is an exception to every rule, and I’m deeply conscious that I was scheduled to become Deputy Mayor today, and that the person who should rightfully be sitting in this chair this afternoon is Cllr Mary Mears. I’m very sad indeed that she’s been prevented from taking up the role by ill health, and I’m sure I speak for us all in sending her our very best wishes for her full recovery.


When Cllr Mears became ill, I made it clear that I wouldn’t consider taking up the mayoralty unless or until all other alternatives had been explored, and I want to assure members and residents of the city that I’m very much aware that the mayoralty is not a jolly; it’s an enormous honour and a privilege, with considerable responsibilities, and particularly in the circumstances in which I find myself Mayor, I pledge to do my utmost for this Council, its members, our city and its residents to take on this role with the humility respect and dedication that it merits. I cannot think of a more wonderful place to be first citizen than Brighton & Hove. We’re so fortunate to live in a place with deep history and traditions, yet at the same time a forward-thinking city. We even have United Nations’ status, for heaven’s sake: how wonderful and cool is that?  If I were to describe Brighton & Hove in just one word it would be ‘open’: open to business, particularly important as we come out of Covid. Open to fresh and new ideas, and I’d urge you all to take a look at the Public Arts Strategy that was launched just last Saturday. And above all, open-hearted, and I’m passionately proud that we’re a City of Sanctuary, and proud that this was agreed unanimously by this Council. It’s a tremendous honour to be representing Brighton & Hove, meeting new people here, and welcoming visitors from home and abroad.


Moving on to my chosen charities, I’m keen to cover as wide a spectrum and as many communities as I can. The traditional number is three; I have to say that it’s so hard to be able to encompass everybody in just three charities, so I have chosen nine. It’s not as many as the 27 that I think have been chosen in the past, but it does I think cover all the bases. Most of them you’ll be familiar with because they’ve been Mayor’s charities before. As Cllr Mac Cafferty has outlined that they are: Sussex Heart Charity, Off The Fence, Allsorts, The Martlets, Brighton Fringe and Fair Share. But I’d also like to welcome some new introductions: New Note works with recovering alcoholics and addicts to help forge a new life through music, and I look forward to hearing the New Note orchestra performing over the coming year as I hope you will too. I’ve chosen The Campaign to Protect Rural England for their work both within our cherished downland estate and in bringing the countryside into the city. I’m sure most of you will already know their Plant Your Postcode scheme, and you may already have trees in your ward through their schemes. Team Domenica started here in Brighton & Hove, supporting adults with learning difficulties through training and job opportunities. They now run five cafes, having just opened the latest one in the Jubilee Library, so when you’re out and about in town and you fancy a cup of coffee, you know where to go. I’m delighted that Father Dominic Keech, Rector at St Nicholas Church has agreed to act as my chaplain. As St Nick’s is not only my local church, it’s also the Mother church for the city, I feel that Father Dominic is the most natural and perfect choice and I look forward to working with him to invite representatives from many diverse faiths to take prayers at future Council meetings. I’m also delighted that my partner Henry Bruce is joining me as my consort during my mayoral year. I feel very lucky to have Henry by my side. I know he will do a magnificent job, and I’d like to thank him again and ask him to come forward and be presented with his badge of office.


I feel particularly fortunate to be appointed Mayor just as we come out of the Covid pandemic. My first engagements include celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee and everyone is welcome to come to Pavilion Gardens on Saturday for the Family Day in conjunction with Brighton Fringe. I will also be attending a Blue Plaque unveiling and greeting contestants in the electric vehicle race as they cross the finishing line. I do hope as many of you as possible will get your friends and families to come along to as many events as you can, so we can raise what’s needed for all these charities. But if you’re not one of these charities, I will still be working for you: I want to support as many in the city as possible, so please tell any organisations you’re involved with to invite me along to attend events and help them to increase their profile and help their fund-raising too.


I’d like to end by congratulating Cllr Robins on his two years during such unconventional times. The pandemic has been something that has had an impact on everyone in the city, and I hope we can now move forward and enable the city to recover. I’d like to invite Cllr Appich to move a formal vote of thanks to Cllr Robins as retiring Mayor.”


6.2       Cllr Appich told members: “thank you Madam Mayor. Cllr Robins has been a brilliant Mayor during very unusual times. He had to chair many a long meeting, often online rather than face to face, but he was always cheerful and always impartial. I recall one meeting that went on until close to midnight. Although Alan has been Mayor for two years, he has not had much time to hold events where many people could attend in person and contribute to his charities, but he has done all that he could to promote the mayoralty and his charities. The report tells us that there were 262 engagements in 21/22 despite the pandemic which seems a huge amount of work; he has done everything he could, ably supported by his Consort Val. As he has mentioned they recently got married, and I’m told they were even married in the Mayor’s Parlour, so how is that for commitment? As a ward Cllr, Alan has remained strictly apolitical on controversial matters such as the cycle lanes; but where complaints from constituents are not party political but just case work, he has always been available to help. The day to day Council work has not been neglected by him; he has mucked in and done his bit and I am really glad that he will be returning as a Labour Cllr to continue to make his huge contribution to Portslade, Hove and Brighton, in that order, in his political life. I understand that he’s even got a job lined up advising the seafront office on which paint to use for our beloved railings. So during his time as mayor, Alan has done many and varied things, and I’ll just highlight a few that I know about: the list is way too long to mention them all. When we started to come out of the pandemic, he held an amazing Mayor-making reception at the fabulous Brighton Museum last September and raised a lot of money for his charities. There were some really emotional speeches there as well about the impact of the pandemic, and there were some amazing speeches from the charities about the work they do in the city, and that really resonated with all the people who came along. He has also attended the Rising Stars awards, celebrating the contribution that young people make to the food, drink and hospitality sectors in Sussex. He has attended the Chinese New Year gala event at the Attenborough Centre for Creative Arts. He has attended the tree-planting services for The Association of Jewish Refugees. He has taken part in Remembrance Day services across the city. He has greeted lawyers taking part in a walk to raise funds for Citizens Advice. He visited Cub and Scout groups to explain the duties involved in being Mayor of the city of Brighton & Hove: it’s important that young people learn about the city and the mayoral functions. He has attended the partnership day at Meadowview Community Centre, judging Halloween costumes; and he has attended the launch of the Oral History project at Stanmer Park recording local residents’ memories – and that’s amazing; if you’re up there, do listen to them as it’s a brilliant project. And finally he launched the Brighton Business and IP Centre at the Jubilee Library. So Alan, on behalf of the Labour Group, the Council and our residents, I would like to thank you, and you Val, for all you’ve done as first citizens in representing our wonderful city during this very difficult two years, and I move the official vote of thanks.”


6.3       The Chair thanked Cllr Appich and invited Cllr Allcock to second.


6.4       Cllr Allcock said: “Thank you Madam mayor. I’d like to echo Cllr Appich’s thanks and sense of gratitude to Alan as the outgoing Mayor for your exemplary service as first citizen of Brighton & Hove in exceptional circumstances. I’d also like to personally thank Val for her significant support for Alan in his role – a huge contribution to the city Val, thank you. Cllr Robins has served the people of Portslade for many years, and has truly earned his turn as mayor of the city. I know he was looking forward to working closely with the Mayor’s charities in getting out and about in the community, and has already been explained, both by Alan and Cllr Appich, the timing of his mayoralty coincided with the unprecedented pandemic which made the role very different and a more insulated one than usual. But, being a good sport, Cllr Robins took this on the chin and dutifully took on a second year in order to have a good stab at the usual duties that the mayoralty entails, including the crucial fund-raising efforts. I know that Alan was very concerned that this was hard during the pandemic, so it was good to really crack on with this during the second year. As mayor, Cllr Robins has chaired Council meetings with good humour, good nature and good grace, and we’ve enjoyed his anecdotes and stories, particularly on the technicalities of paint and painting. We’re experts, here in the Labour Group, but it’s good to share that knowledge and learning throughout the Council. So thank you Alan for your diligence and your excellent representation of our city in your time as Mayor. We welcome you back to the Labour Group with open arms, so Madam Mayor I’ll second that vote of thanks.


6.5       The Chair put the motion to the vote and it was agreed.


6.6       Resolved – that the Council formally thanks Cllr Robins.




7                Appointment of the Deputy Mayor for Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2022/23


7.1       Cllr Allcock nominated Cllr Jacquie O’Quinn to be Deputy Mayor, commenting on his experience of working with her as a Goldsmit ward Councillor for more than three years; her impressive capacity for hard and effective work; her visibility in the ward; and her support for him in his leadership roles. Cllr Allcock highlighted Cllr O’Quinn’s work in supporting the provision of affordable housing via the Vallance Community  Centre, First Base, the Brighton & Hove Community Land Trust, Hove Gold Planning & Community Group and the Neighbourhood Forum. Cllr Allcock also referred to Cllr Quinn’s commitment to the environment and biodiversity, in terms of her involvement in the Friends of BHASVIC Community Field; Waterhall, Dyke Park and St Anne’s Well Gardens friends groups; the Stanmer Permaculture Trust, and her involvement in drafting the Downland Estate Plan. Cllr Allcock noted Cllr O’Quinn’s commitment to culture via the Brighton & Hove Estate Conservation Trust, Hove Civic Society, the Brighton Festival, Brighton Fringe and Pride Festival; and her commitment to young people’s issues via her role as spokesperson on CYPS, her involvement in the Fostering & Adoption Panel and her work with Youthwise. Cllr Allcock told members that all these achievements and more showed that Cllr O’Quinn has the perfect skills-set, attitude and experience to be Deputy Mayor.


7.2       Cllr Appich seconded the nomination, noting that Cllr O’Quinn had always found the time to support other members of her Group, and commending her in-depth knowledge of licensing and of the taxi-trade.


7.3       The Mayor asked if there were any other nominations. As there were none, she moved that Cllr O’Quinn be elected as Deputy Mayor for 2022-23. This was agreed.


7.4       The Mayor declared that Cllr O’Quinn was appointed Deputy Mayor for 2022-23 and invited Cllr O’Quinn to be presented with her robes.


7.5       Cllr O’Quinn addressed members: “I, Cllr Jacquie O’Quinn, having been elected to the office of Deputy Mayor of Brighton & Hove declare that I take that office upon myself and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of it according  to the best of my judgement and ability.




8                Appointment of the Leader of the Council for 2022/23


8.1       Cllr Clare thanked Cllr Shanks for the work she had done as Deputy Convenor of the Group, and for the City, and particularly for managing the difficult portfolio of Health & Wellbeing Board Chair throughout the pandemic, and also for being willing to spend her birthday in Planning Committee. Cllr Clare also expressed her disappointment in the behaviour of the Conservative Group in declining to attend the Annual Council meeting.


8.2       Cllr Clare moved the nomination of Cllr Mac Cafferty, noting his diligence in serving the Green group and the city since he was first nominated as Group Convenor in 2017. Cllr Clare praised Cllr Mac Cafferty’s relentless focus on issues key to city residents, including the cost of living crisis, and the associated crisis fund; the climate crisis; and the look and feel of the city, where Cllr Mac Cafferty has been actively involved in cleaning the city as well as advocating for this work to be done. Cllr Clare enumerated many of the achievements of the Green Council, with Cllr Mac Cafferty playing a key role in all.


8.3       Cllr Hugh-Jones seconded the nomination.


8.4       As there were no other nominations, the Mayor moved that Cllr Mac Cafferty be appointed Leaders of the Council. This was agreed.


8.5       RESOLVED – that Cllr Mac Cafferty be appointed Leader of Brighton & Hove City Council for the municipal year 2022-23.




9                Council Appointments for 2022/23


9.1       The Mayor moved that Cllrs Clare and Hugh-Jones be appointed as Deputy Leaders of the Council. This was agreed.


9.2       The Mayor moved that Cllrs Appich and Allcock be appointed as joint leaders of the official opposition (with each acting as leader for a 6 month period). This was agreed.


9.3       The Mayor asked members to note the appointments of Cllr Mac Cafferty as Green Group Convenor; Cllrs Hugh-Jones and Clare as Deputy Convenors; Cllrs Appich as Labour Group Leaders, and Cllr Evans as Deputy Leader; Cllr Bell as Conservative Group Leader, and Cllr Nemeth and Simson as Deputy Leaders. Members agreed to note these appointments.




10             Review of Political Balance 2022/23


10.1    RESOLVED – that the report be agreed.




11             Close of Meeting





The meeting concluded at 5.30pm